I bought a Yamaha Fife! Its like a cross between a recorder and a flute, and it looks like this:
I initially planned on buying a normal recorder when I hopped into the Yamaha in tampines mall. It was then that I realised there were actually so many types of recorders, and the Fife suddenly caught my eye. Looks really cool right! So, i went up to the shop assistant and asked him how I was supposed to play it and how was the fingering like. Apparently you hold it like a flute, but the fingerings are exactly the same as the normal german recorders. Well of course I bought it, it only cost me 9 bucks anyway.
I couldn't wait to return home so I could have a go on it. Guess what, I'm having problems playing it already. You can't just blow into the mouthpiece like a recorder, because you have to blow across the hole at some angle and...I can't find it. I suppose it'll take me some time to figure out how to play it properly, if you have any tips, don't hesitate to come up to me.
Meanwhile, I'll continue trying before I start my work awhile later. Lets see if its ever possible to play the flute part on Fantasy of a Japanese Folk Song [refer to previous post], even if it'll take me a some time. -__- I'm so clueless right now.
okay i managed to play the C major scale! So if you'll excuse me, I'll continue playing. It sounds very horrible o.O One more thing, I'm starting to get a headache from it. help me.
got the first tiny phrase to FJFS yay! the sounds are a wee bit better. still far from good =X
I also feel accomplished because i actually understood the product law and chainrule from today's lesson and did alot of questions! :D
I'll be laughing at this post ten years later -__-
29feb (the rest in 29thfebpost)
peixuan: haha.. naughty mama shall protect me!!! XD
{hahah why everybody ask me not to protect you aye HAHA. naughty your head! D:}
anon: hmmm jyjy study harder!
{yes anon thankyou i'll try to :D}
tingwei: who cares about protecting u la px. tsk tsk. hahas
{HAHA you're not the only person to say that aye ;D ohwell, but poor little peixuan would be vulnerable to any attack!}
fish: yo mama. quan ni hai shi dun waste ur time protecting px le. lols. anw. thanks for helpin me buy de straws!!! mama is naughty. u sounded happy kicking me and px!! haiz.. evill mama
{haha qianYU the fish? khng ah yu! hahha second person to say that ^_^ YOU'RE WELCOME, they're very nice right! i'm NOT naughty! D: but yeah, i felt happy kicking both of you :D}
anqi: i get sad and depressed too! hi-5

anqi: man y did tht sound so happy =.= lol
{HIGH5! i thought everybody gets angry xD lolll cause you're happy to be here! :D lol jkjk ^_^}
anqi: lols i went POPULAR.. hurhur how cool is tht 0.0
anqi: omg princess monoke! ahh th movie's nice (:
{go art friend next time! go with me haha! :D and YES actually i haven't watched the movie, but i'm in love with its OST! :D}
GB: Tagging as promised =D hahas. GL learning the Fife on u'r own! =D
{haha hmm, thanks i guess. THANKYOU to that too, apparently the Fife isn't an instrument to play, i've checked up the net. Teachers use it to train a student's basic techniques before they move on to the harp, and the Fife makes the positioning and everything particularly important zzz D:}
isabel: blehx no tag replies..
{i did....check below}
anon: lol i had the same tuition teacher like you, he talks way too much till i fired him ;D ahah its not easy to find good tutor ):
{yeah mine talks wayy to much crap and i can't stand him zzz. he's boring at the same time and i've got another better tutor, but she holds her classes in groups so i can't really bombard her with questions =X}
peixuan: tsktsk. naughty mama.. didnt go for art class. XP haha.. and the flutish recorder looks rather cool.. =D haha.. and im going to see u tmr!!! oh no.. =D haha.
{i had alot of stuff to do! D: yup its very cool right! yay seeyou! you must say yay! :D:D:D:D}
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